12 September, 2018

The time has been passed father

There was a man and his daughter who love each other Very Much and with a                           many love and respect
One day what happen? Her father punished her due to wasting of Gold wrapping paper which is worth of about 3$-4$ something.
After some time she say’s “Sorry Father”

Thought: -- “We should never give importance to the money because
Money can’t make a future of a person it has to be done”

Then what happen, after some time His father become angrier when she tried to make a decorative Box to put it in the Christmas tree. (Her father don’t Know what she going to be do with that box)
After a day, the girl gives that box to her father and she tell to father, “HAPPY CHRISMAS this gift is for you”
Her father embarrassed by his overreaction a few days before, “she was making gift to place it in charismas tree and she give to me”
After seeing that box her father become more critical and slap her and say’s
“What is this, there is nothing inside the box why you given to me for wasting of my time
Don’t you know, when you give Gift to someone, there’s supposed to be something inside the gift?”
She sees up to his father and cried; “Oh, daddy, it isn’t empty at all. I blew kisses into the box. There it is all only for you, daddy”
The father was devastated. He put his arms around his daughter, and says “Sorry For Slap that I am busy in my work in that time you have come and give me that box then I was totally gotten Angry and slapped you” And her father beg her to forgiveness that situation.
At a little long later, she forgotten all the thing’s happened
And then while (At her father birthday) her daughter making gift to give his father Birthday’s
Then something bad happened

That while making Birthday gift to her father she wanted to buy a something special and she has written something on a paper that “****************” to his father and without knowing to his father he gone outside the home to buy a “love pillow” and she wanted to keep that paper inside that pillow and she kept it after buying love pillow.
After all the things, she while returning from shop to home she was badly crashed by a car in which she came to be in critical condition in the hospital
Her dad gotten a call from hospital and her dad came to hospital but, it was too late she was ended
After seeing a something in her hand, her father take that pillow and kept with himself
After a long period of time her father sees inside the pillow there was a letter in which she had written something that is:
“Dad; “You are the best dad in my life and in the world and I LOVE YOU DAD I hope you has my kissed Box heehaw (laughing)!”
Her dad cried loudly and Says “I LOVE YOU TOO DAUGHTER”
In the dream of her father she come and tell to her father that “the time and the love has been passed father”

Moral Of the Story: --- Giving time to Love inn the life is most important than Giving time to work

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