05 November, 2018

Diwali A Great Festival (Part 2)

What are 10 mythical and historical reasons why Diwali is a great time to celebrate? (part 2)

Replay Happy Diwali To All

There are at most 10 mythical and historical reasons why Diwali is a great time to celebrate. And there are one of the best reasons not just for Hindus but also for all others to celebrate this great Festival of Lights.

01.  The Goddess Lakshmi’s Birthday: -

 The Goddess of wealth and the consort of the god Vishnu is Lakshmi, one of the principal deities (a god or goddess (in a polytheistic religion). and the Hindu religion and the Supreme is Being in the Vaishnavism Tradition. According to mythology, she was first incarnated (You use incarnate to say that something, especially a god or spirit, is represented in human form.) on the new moon day (Amavasya) of the Kartika month during the churning (Churning water is moving about violently.) of the ocean (Samudra-Manthan). She is one of the most popular of the goddess, and thus strongly associated with Diwali.

02.  Special Day for the Jains: -

Mahavir Tirthankar
Mahavir Tirthankar

Mahavir Tirthankar, considered as to be the founder of modern Jainism also attained his nirvana on Diwali day. Mahavira abandoned his royal life and left his family to become an ascetic (characterized by severe self-discipline and abstention from all forms of indulgence, typically for religious reasons.), undertaking fasting and bodily mortifications. At the age of 43, he achieved the state of Kevala Jnana and began teaching the philosophy of Jainism.

03.  Coronation of Vikramaditya: -


One of the greatest of Hindu kings, Vikramaditya was crowned on the Diwali day which is the great success for him. The legendary emperor, who may have been a historical figure or based on one, is thought of as the ideal king, known for his generosity (the quality or fact of being plentiful or large), (the quality of being kind and generous.). courage, and patronage of scholars. Thus, Diwali became a historical event as well.

04.  The Victory of Rama: -

Lord Ram, Ma Sita, and Lakshmana
Lord Ram, Ma Sita, and Lakshmana

According to the epic ‘Ramayana,’ it was the new moon day of Kartika when Lord Ram, Ma Sita, and Lakshmana returned to Ayodhya after vanquishing (To vanquish someone means to defeat them completely in a battle or a competition.) the demon king Ravana and conquering Lanka. The citizens of Ayodhya decorated the entire city with the earthen lamps and illuminated it like never before, and the festival of Diwali is in honor of Rama's victory.

05.  Vishnu Rescued Lakshmi: -

On this very beautiful (Diwali day), Lord Vishnu disguised in his fifth incarnation as Vamana-avatar (the dwarf avatar and Vishnu's first incarnation) rescued Lakshmi from the prison of King Bali. And this is another reason for worshipping Ma Lakshmi on Diwali.

06.  Special Day for the Arya Samaj: -

Maharshi Dayanand
Maharshi Dayanand

 It was the new moon day of Kartika (Diwali day) when the 19th-century scholar Maharshi Dayanand, one of the greatest reformers of Hinduism was the founder of Arya Samaj, attained his nirvana. Dayananda's great mission was to ask humankind to treat one another as brothers through practices of nobility.

07.  The Return of the Pandavas: -

 According to the great epic ‘Mahabharata,’ it was ‘Kartika Amavasya’ when the five Pandavas (brothers Yudhishthira, Bhīma, Arjuna, Nakula, and Sahadeva) appeared from their 12 years of banishment (the punishment of being sent away from a country or other place.) as a result of their defeat in the hands of the Kauravas at the game of dice (gambling). The subjects who loved the Pandavas celebrated the day by lighting the earthen lamps.

08.  The Pope’s Diwali Speech: -

In 1999, Pope John Paul II performed a special Eucharist in an Indian church where the altar was decorated with Diwali lamps, and the Pope had a ‘tilak’ and it was marked on his forehead and his speech bristled with references to the festival of light.

09.  The Krishna Killed Narkasur: -


On the day preceding Diwali, Lord Krishna killed the demon king Narakasura (The pious Naraka became evil, in association with Asura named Banasura and 'asura' (demon) was added to his name.) of Pragjyotishpur (The word Pragjyotishpura derived from Sanskrit words "Prag", "Jyotisha" and "Pura" meaning 'city of eastern light' otherwise 'city of eastern astrology'), that who had invaded the three worlds, taking great pleasure in torturing (inflict severe pain on) the beings there. Krishna rescued 16,000 women from his captivity. The celebration of this freedom went on for two days including the Diwali day as a victory festival: The second day of Diwali is Naraka Chaturdasi.

10.  Special Day for the Sikhs: -

The third Sikh Guru Amar Das institutionalized (established as part of an official organization) Diwali as a Red-Letter Day when all Sikhs would gather to receive the Gurus blessings. In 1577, the foundation stone of the Golden Temple at Amritsar was issued on Diwali. In 1619, the sixth Sikh Guru Hargobind (Master Sikh Guru Hargobind represented the procedure of militarization to Sikhism, likely as a response to his dad's execution and to secure (protect) the Sikh community. He symbolized it by wearing two swords, represents to the dual idea of Miri and Piri (worldly power and otherworldly specialist), who was held by the Mughal Emperor Jahangir, and hence it was released from the Gwalior fort along with 52 kings.

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1 comment:

  1. Nice !!! Ohh it is more related to the first post okey


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