15 February, 2019

8 of the Most Ridiculous Insects You’ve Probably Never Seen

8 of the Most Ridiculous Insects You’ve Probably Never Seen (plus one centipede…)

We humans usually think we’re pretty special. But that’s just crazy talk, because some of the most interesting creatures on Earth belong to the insects.

1. Antlion

That’s a tough name. This thing digs traps in the sand to catch ants wandering by.  As the ants come closer to the trap, which is just a dug-out hole, the ground give way and the ant falls right into the hands of the Antlion.
On a less cool note, the Antlion is known as the “doodlebug” in North America, because it walks through the sand and makes scribbly trails.

2. Wheel Bug

wheel bug insectThis bad guy kills its prey pretty much like a scorpion does. But instead of using a tail to stab and inject poison, it uses its beak.

3. House Centipede (Not an insect)

Centipedes aren’t officially insects because they have more than six legs, but they are closely related

4. Elephant Beetle

Elephant beetles can grow up to three inches in length, and the larvae can take up to three years to grow into adult beetles. But once grown, the adults only live for about three months.
They usually live in dead logs and don’t bother humans too much. But as we cut down the rain forests, their habitat has shrunk and their numbers have come down.

5. Titan Beetle

The Titan Beetle lays claim to being the second largest beetle in the world. Its jaws can cut through wood as thick as a pencil and can tear up human skin easily.
One weird thing about adult Titan Beetles….they don’t eat! Instead they spend their time searching for a mate.

6. Scorpion Fly

No, that thing on the tail is not a stinger, but it sure looks like one. Know what it is?
That’s right….. genitals.
During courtship male Scorpion Flys give a present of dead prey to their hopeful woman. The best gift usually wins, and during sex she eats the food! Kind of like the female Costanza.

7. Brazilian Treehopper

This insect is closely related to cicadas, and they’re found all over the world, except for Antarctica.
The pointy thing with balls on top is supposed to help camouflage the Treehopper, and it doesn’t do much else.
Treehoppers are harmless to humans, and spend their several month lifespan feeding on shrubs and grasses.

8. Orchid Mantis

This beautiful insect is called the Orchid Mantis and has awesome coloring that makes it blend right in to the orchid flower. Its legs look like flower petals, and it can change color from pink to brown and back again, depending on the background color.
There you go, hope you enjoyed this short journey through the wonderful world of insects. If you like this, please share! if you see any of above comment below....
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